Analysis and recommendations for further improvement of competition

The report ‘Analysis and recommendations for further improvement of competition’ was developed within the Project Activity 2.1: Analysis and recommendations for further improvement of competition and preparation of methodology for market research.

The major goal of this report was to identify key factors that hinder competition in the public procurement market in Serbia. Intensity of competition on public procurement market in Serbia increased since 2014 from 2,6 tenders on average per procedure to 3 tenders in 2017. However, this indicator is lower than in the EU countries in the region. The average number of tenders per procedure is particularly low at the local level: local public companies received, on average, 1,9 tenders per contract while local public administration obtained 2,1 tenders on average.

The task of the authors comprehended determining of reasons for insufficient competition in public procurement procedures. The research carried out by the authors in the preparatory phase covered mostly companies that ceased to compete for public contracts although they possess required products or services as well as adequate capacities. On the basis of processed data and analysis, the authors elaborated recommendations for increasing competition. Recommendations refer to amendments of legal framework, practice, drafting of auxiliary tools for contracting authorities or economic operators, as well as other activities that would assist in increasing competitiveness in public procurement procedures.

Full report may be downloaded here.