Webinar: The use of „smart lots“ option on the Public Procurement Portal

On Tuesday, 10 November 2020., a webinar on the use of „smart lots“ option on the Public Procurement Portal was held in the organisation of the Public Procurement Office and with the support of the Project.

The new functionality „smart lots“ which is intended for contracts divided in 100 or more lots shall be soon available on the Public Procurement Portal.

The smart lot option enables contracting authority to prepare the procedure on the Public Procurement Portal in the way which doesn’t require the entry of all required information on the level of each lot but to use the format of electronic catalogue for the purpose of description of the lots.

Regular manner of describing lots on the Public Procurement Portal requires the contracting authority to enter a set of information for each and every lot which is further generated in the contract notice and instructions to tenderers. The majority of this information is repeated in the identical content for each lot. Generated documents which are then published on the Public Procurement Portal can contain up to several hundreds of pages while the performance of the Portal can be significantly slowed down.

On the other side, tenderers must prepare and submit separate tenders for each lot and in case they want to submit tenders for greater number of lots this process takes a lot of time and it is inefficient.

The smart lot option shall be initially implemented in the open public procurement procedure where the award criteria is the economically most advantageous tender determined on the basis of the lowest price.

The webinar was attended by contracting authorities which regularly organise public procurement procedures with greater number of lots.

Recording of webinar is available here.

Documents related to this workshop are available for download here:


Presentation (available in Serbian)